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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Becca and Beer

After work this morning, Becca ( a co-worker of mine) and I drove Gainesville (which is where she lives) and she showed me around her town. It was 77 outside and sunny! So, of course, the windows were rolled down, the radio turned up, and the beer tops were popped!! We just backroaded and checked out different places. It reminded me of how much I loooove summer! Erin ( another co-worker), Becca, and I have made plans for this summer. They are as follows: get off work at 7am; grab our bags that include swim suits, sun tan lotion, and cell phone; head to the river/creek/lake; layout, get tan, and drink beer.. Bud Light or Busch Light depending on which girl you ask. Sooooo excited!


Karla said...

sounds like fun,, youll have to come to the HB...