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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mary aka Paula Dean

Our friend Mary did the funniest impression of Paula Dean at the New Year's Eve get-together!!! In these pics, she is imitating Paula Dean (she sounded so much like her!!) by showing us how to make popcicles out of BUTTER and chocolate syrup- we all know how PD loves her butter lol. It was one of those things you just have to see. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. By the way, she actually took a huge bite of that butter popsicle! Love ya Mary :)
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Mary's Road said...

Hey yaw...sure enjoyed the hugs and giving you a laugh or two!!!Until next time..wishing you best dishes and kisses!!!

Ashley said...

Enjoyed seeing you Mary :)

Karla said...

i LAUGHED so hard I couldnt breathe,,you captured it perfect,,,, I love your new camera,,,Im having camera envy :)

Anonymous said...

gosh Mary looks great!!!!

Ashley said...

Yes Mary is lookin' gorgeous!