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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Decisions and Babies

To begin this blog, I must make sure you know the plan Chase and I have. Graduate college (accomplished!), work here for a couple years, take travel assignments so that we can see everything we have always dreamed about (and make great money while we are at it), settle down, start a family. I don't know how many years before the family thing happens. I just know it can't be right now. Now back to purpose of this blog. As a nurse in this area, most of my patients are elderly. And without fail, sometime throughout my shift, I will be asked by one of these patients if I am married and if I have kids. They ask me other questions as well, probably from some instinctive urge to know something about the person they are trusting to take care of them... or they are just lonely, but those two question I can always bet on getting asked. My answers is always the same " yes I am married. no i don't have kids. waiting to grow up. I am only 21." Their answer is invariably "21 is old enough." In their generation, probably so. Mine generation, probably not.

One night, I went through all this with a patient. Instead of the answer I expected, he told me this..... His daughter fell in love with her highschool sweetheart, graduated highschool, got married. But they put off having kids because they wanted to get through college (this story is too close to mine). They kept putting it off after that until one day they found out she had cancer. I don't remember what kind now, but he said she had to have a hysterectomy. It crushed her. He told me to live in the moment because you never know.... Soooo yeah I was double-thinking the things I thought I wanted and the order I want them in. It is funny how we all make a billion decisions everyday thinking we have all the time in the world. But we just don't know. So, what do we do? We make a decision, hold tight, and pray-really hard-that it all works out in the end.

By the way, I am sticking to my plan.


Karla said...

Ashley, i love your insite to life. Learning from our patients is one of the best part of being a nurse... Listening is an ART.