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Monday, November 30, 2009

"Where should I go in my travels.."

So.. my husband read my 'Thanksgiving' post where I mentioned that we had made some big decisions... and he said to me "what are you talking about, Ashley?"... Wow. Men.

A week or so ago, we were talking about him applying to the traveling agency that a friend of his has worked with. I decided to check out the website and see what kind of Rad Tech jobs were available and where. Then I decided to see what kind of RN jobs are available and where... And then it hit me- why don't I travel? I could make possibly double the money I am now AND I would get to see different places. Chase and I talked and it is a BIG possibility. He takes his Rad Tech test on December 18th. We will keep looking and hoping he gets on somewhere or with the traveling agency. If he doesn't, then in January or February I will probably apply to a traveling agency. We will both go on my assignments and I think we will be able to get his foot in the door that way.

To me, this is a HUGE deal so I considered it a big decision. I was open to the idea of moving out of state it that's what it took to land a Rad Tech job for Chase, but I never thought I would possibly be traveling soon! Traveling had been a distant goal for years now and for it to be right here is so so scary. Of course, I feel most comfortable here and would be quite alright if there was some way we could stay at home and work, but sometimes it doesn't work like that. Leaving somewhere you feel comfortable is a hard thing to do.. I am excited to see where all this will lead :)