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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Spear Fishing

Everyone knows how much Chase has been enjoying scuba diving. BUT now I can benefit from this new hobby of his!!.. He bought a spear gun recently. It looks something like the picture above (I don't get too close. I'm wary of it... something about spears...).. Earlier today Chase went diving with a friend from work and he called me to let me know he "caught" two walleye!!!!! Now this is where I get the reward- fresh fish that my man caught!! I went to wal-mart today and got stuff for baked potatoes and sweet corn on the cob in preparation for dinner tonight. So excited!
This is a picture of catfish caught in Bull Shoals Lake with a spear gun.

Love you babe!


Karla said...

sounds like a nice dinner!!!! I love you ,,,

Chase said...

That is one good lookin man!!